Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Fun!!

Oh my goodness, Christmas was so fun this year!!! Hazel has not quite connected the dots but she was definitely way into it. We had a lot of family parties we went to - Christmas Eve was the extended Bliss Family party as well as the more immediate family party with presents from Grammy and Grampy Bliss. Following that we went over to Great Grampy Clawson's and had food and presents there too. Then Christmas morning Hazel received her presents from Santa, from Mommy and from Daddy. We then went over to Uncle Jayson and Aunt Kim's for the immediate Robbins' Family party. We had a little break in between and then had the extended Robbins' Family party. Busy days but a lot of fun!!!! Hazel was very spoiled and loved EVERYTHING she got. We also made sure to have some time, as you will see below, to do our annual Nativity Scene to remember the reason for the season, Jesus Christ. It is fun in two ways - one we like to have a part of the night dedicated to remembering, two, we are definitely better at acting out the Nativity Scene then we are at singing or playing instruments. It was a lot of fun and man....I love that Hazel girl sooooo.....much!!! She is such a bright light in my life!!!! I am always going to do everything I can to be the kind of Mommy she deserves.
Merry Christmas!!!! I hope yours was as fun as ours!!!


Alicia Robbins said...

She is so adorable and I love the ones with her jammie princess chef outfit all on. What a scream!

Celeste said...

What a great Christmas. She looks so adorable in her Christmas dress.