Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year to everyone!!!
I am one who does believe in New Year's resolutions mainly because I think if nothing else, it is a good reminder to us to set goals and no matter how many times we fail at them, to just keep trying. However, with that said, this year I was determined not to have losing weight and getting in shape be one of them, so I started back up this past Tuesday, the 29th!!! Thankfully though, as I did, I realized that I had reached my first goal that I had set a few months ago, to be under 120 before the end of the year. I am so glad that I reached that. If I recall, last year my main resolutions were to be more spiritually, physically and financially fit. Well I am okay in all of those departments, but I want to continue to work on them this year. Here are my resolutions for this year:

1. Do things to become more spiritually fit.
I cannot rely on others to do this for me, I have to do it for myself, so I would like to make sure that I am setting some time aside each day to focus on allowing the gospel teachings into my day so that I can grow closer to our Heavenly Father

I like to spend money, I won't lie, but this year my goal is to see how much I can save!!!! I will be putting at least a little away each month

3. Spend tons of time with my little Hazel
This one is easy, but I just want to never lose sight of the importance of quality time with her, especially since I am going to school and working a little. She is so important and I want her to feel like her mommy is always there. I love her so much and she is so much fun. p.s. we received Lagoon season passes from Grammy and Grampy this year, so we will also be spending some quality time playing at Lagoon!!! Yay!!!

4. Self improvement
We all need this, but I am going to have a special focus on it this year!!!

5. Do something new
I don't know what this will be yet, but I would like to try something new...

I think 5 is a good number to start with. I hope you all had a great New Years and that you are all looking forward to the year to come. The Holidays were fun, despite the challenges we are facing right now (which I will share a little bit more at a later date). While we all face challenges in our lives, let me end with this, we all truly can decide each morning what kind of attitude we want to have. If we choose happiness we will be happy, if we choose sadness, we will be sad. It doesn't mean that we don't have good and bad days, but we can choose which one we have most of. And you know what....I choose happiness!!! And I believe that Hazel will continue to be the happy bubbly girl she is so long as she is surrounded by that!!!


Lisa Robbins said...

Those are some great goals! I really like the one where you want to try to do something new. That makes me want to try that! Sounds fun!

.Chrissy said...

I like your goals as well!
I think you have very well-rounded goals picked out!

Glenn and I made little day planners(like the missionary planners...I know we are nerds!!!) but we are using them to accomplish some of our goals too.

I love that you think they are important too, it is really easy to go a whole year and not feel like significant changes had occured...

(and I am excited that you got lagoon passes, I know how much you love that place!!!!)

Unknown said...

Hazel is sooo cute!!! She looks just like you!