Monday, October 29, 2012

Fall Meets Winter Beauty

This Sunday, Hazel and I decided to take a drive, as the semi-warm days are coming to an end, and enjoy the beautiful transition of Fall to Winter.  We drove up Butterfied Canyon and then found a spot to pull over, take some pics, and enjoy the natural beauty in life.  We made it a picnic on the trunk with our Mac and Cheese. 

I love moments like these where I can rest with my beautiful daughter, set life's worries aside, and just be.

I have also been reading a lot of conference talks lately, and to coincide with this post, let me promote one that always lifts me up when I am feeling down.  It is called "Finding Joy in Life" by Richard G. Scott.


Why are all of these sideways.......?

1 comment:

Patti :) said...

My pictures I take with my phone are always sideways on my blog too, let me know if you figure out how to fix it.