In a time when there is so much difficulty, miracles still happen. My sister-in-law/one of my best friends as well, recently had this experience.
She has a brother who struggles with an addiction to drugs. Recently he had an accidental overdose. His mom found him in his room where he was not breathing, had no pulse, his heart had stopped. They were able to get medical attention quickly and revive him. He was put on a ventilator with the prospect of him not being able to ever breath on his own and a worry of severe brain damage. Lisa's family met together and prepared for the worst, but still hoped for the best. The doctor had told them he had only seen one case like this where the patient lived. A few days later, things began to change. He has gradually begun to be somewhat coherent, smile, move, talk. His brain damage appears to be minimal. He is making great progress every day. This change was very opposite of what was predicted and it is amazing. It is proof to us, that Heavenly Father still blesses us with miracles every day and I believe that more miracles will come from this as well. In a world where there is so much hopelessness at times, there is still hope!!! You can read more about this story and see updates on Lisa's blog (www.littleaudreyrobbins.blogspot.com).
1 comment:
Tricia....thank you so much!! I am speechless right now because of how well you put that. I...see I don't even know where to start. You have no idea how much I appreciate what you wrote. It just shows me that you do really care and that not only did I feel even more hope, but I am sure it will and has given others hope reading this as well. I hope this will change people's lives so that they can see the Lords miracles.
It truly is a miracle, and I am glad that others are able to see it as one. We know that Tyler had to have been conversing with somebody the first couple of days in heaven. It is really hard to believe otherwise. He really looked like he had died Trish. If you think about it, the Lord's time is a lot faster than ours, so who knows how many days or even weeks it was for him. We know that he was able to see angels, just by the way he was following something in his room last week. It was so amazing! I wish I could really explain how I felt. I just hope people really feel something when I write my posts.
Anyways, sorry for writing a book. I am just so grateful for everybody's support. It's been a tough and even the toughest thing I have ever had to go through and I just need that love and support. It's what is helping me get through this. So, thank you so much for everything! Our family has been the greatest support in all of this. I just don't know what I can do to thank you guys enough.
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