Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hazel's 15 Months

Hazel is now 15 months old as of Valentine's Day. She is growing so fast. She now has 8 teeth, can feed herself (for the most part and in her own way), has figured out how to climb on most things and is a VERY busy girl. It is so much fun to watch her throughout the day as she moves from one thing to the next trying to figure it all out. She really only stops to eat and sleep. Although she threw her first fit the other day, she is still one of the happiest little girlies!! I love having her around so much!!!!


Alicia said...

Hazel is so adorable, and her hair is so cute like that. he looks like she is very busy. Loved the pictures!!!

Lisa Robbins said...

She is so BEAUTIFUL!!! I seriously can't wait until Audrey's hair gets longer so that I can do more things with it. You probably think that I copy you with hair do's, I don't, it's just that I have to wait longer to do the things I want to do with her hair. :) I love Hazel's hair like that. It is just so adorable.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it...can it be true?!? She really is 15 months's sad, but happy at the same time. They just grow up too fast. She is so adorable and I love the pictures!