Saturday, October 17, 2009

Potty Trained and more...

It has been a while since I last blogged and a big thing has happened at our house. Let me start from the beginning. For almost two months Hazel was wanting to go use the big potty 2-3 times a day on average, but at least once a day. She would actually go and once in a while she was going number 2. I was trying to avoid potty training yet just because I didn't want to try before she was really ready and then have her rebel against it. Well, once we hit about 2 months of this, my mom told me I just needed to try. So, I took off the diaper and put the panties on ( a tip I learned from Sheryl who learned it from her sis-in-laws, no pull ups, just straight to panties), and you know what? She rarely has an accident. She has been doing so good and it has been over a month now!!! She isn't even 2 yet. Thank you Hazel for making this potty training thing so easy for me!!!

Here are some fun pics from the recent past. Coming soon, Lisa's sister Holly from Holly's Hobbies Photography took some pics of the girls in their Halloween costumes at Gardner Village!

My favorite smile!!

Growing up.... :-/

First leg extensions and in her new panties!!!

Fun with cousin Bode in the power ranger outfits Uncle CJ made out of tape!!! :-)


Lisa Robbins said...

Oh my gosh, that picture of her smile is sooooo ADORABLE!!!!!!!! Holy cow....

Krystal said...

wow, you mame potty training sound easy :) Hazel is getting so big... she'll be dancing in no time!

Leslie said...

Wow! Lucky you, that's great! Go Hazel!

Celeste said...

Yeah!! How great that it was so easy! I am actually potty training Ty this very day... and it is not going well at all!! I'm about ready to give up. She looks so cute in her big girl pants!