Sunday, June 22, 2008

Now mobile


Anonymous said...

She's so cute! I love how you post those videos of her. Before you know it, she'll be walking and running and you'll have get one those kiddie leashes...just kidding. I never use one those, but sometimes I think I should. You get so excited when they first learn to crawl, talk, walk, etc. but at the same time it's a sad moment because you realize that they are growing too fast!

Celeste said...

Yeah! She is so cute and I'm so happy she's crawling! We had so much fun hanging out with you guys the other night.. we need to do that more often.

Unknown said...

Hazel is an awesome little crawler!! She is soo cute!! It's so much fun to watch them grow and learn new things.

It's so much fun to look at your blog and see what's going on with you and your cute family.

Anonymous said...

That was really cute. I am glad you put that on there and great to hear Josh's voice that took me back like ten years haha. She is really cute guys and I love when they start getting mobile then it really gets fun. Glad you are loving being parents it is the best.

Kelsey said...

It was so fun to watch these videos! Hazel is adorable and has grown so much. Hope everything is going well for you and Josh. We miss you in Fishers!